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The Economic Perspective 6/23/2023

The Latest Trending Economic, Environmental and Demographic News Curated for You By The Balmoral Group

The Balmoral Group provides practical, professional and precise Economics, Data Analytics, and Engineering Consulting services and is part of a globally integrated team.

Happy Friday, everyone!

June 23rd is International Women in Engineering Day to honor and raise awareness of the work women engineers have done. According to the Society of Women Engineers, in 2021 women made up 14% of the engineering workforce in the U.S. Here at The Balmoral Group, almost 40% of our engineering staff is women and we thank them for all of the hard work they put in every day.

This week we're bringing you a story on a new malaria case found in Sarasota County and the response of mosquito control districts to prevent more cases. The Balmoral Group is current working on a review of the operations of all mosquito control districts in Florida and the vital role they play in preventing mosquito-borne diseases from spreading. We also have some interesting stories on the benefits of protecting coastal areas, butterfly migration, how pumping out groundwater has changed the earth's spin, and more.

Enjoy the read and feedback is always appreciated! Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would be interested. If you'd like to view previous editions please click here, or to subscribe please click here! Have a great weekend!

Malaria in Sarasota-Manatee Area Triggers Broad Insecticide Response

Last week, the Florida Department of Health reported a second case of locally acquired malaria in less than a month in Sarasota County. As such, mosquito-borne illness alerts remain in Sarasota and Manatee counties. Both counties have launched spray missions to prevent more malaria cases from emerging in the area since only mosquitoes can spread the disease. Sarasota County Mosquito Management Services has sprayed across nearly 9,000 acres during the past week and the Manatee County Mosquito Control District is planning an aerial treatment spread over more than 15,000 acres. Florida Phoenix

Protecting Coastal Areas: Benefits for People and Marine Life in the Mesoamerican Coral Reef System

Protecting coastal areas of the ocean from fishing, mining, and other human activity can also help people living nearby, according to a new study. Researchers studied the Mesoamerican coral reef system, which stretches just off Central America’s eastern coast. They found that fish were 27% more abundant in fully protected areas compared with unprotected areas. Meanwhile, when examining socioeconomic data of nearby areas, they found that children in communities within six miles of marine-protected areas were approximately 40% less likely to have their growth stunted by malnutrition, as well as households near the fully protected areas having 33% greater wealth than households at greater distances. Read more here, and find the full study here.

This is How to Find Out Which Emerging Technologies Will Next Revolutionize Our World

For over a decade, the World Economic Forum has been surveying academics, industry leaders and futurists on emerging technologies set to transform industries, economies and societies. Consolidated in the annual Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report, these expert insights and predictions help decision-makers and the public anticipate the next technologies and how to seize their associated opportunities and mitigate any risks. Find out more here.

New Study Finds Potential Correlation Between Monarch White Spots and Flying Farther in Migration

A new study has found that the more white-spots a monarch butterfly has, the more help that monarch will receive in completing their long-distance migration of up to 3,000 miles. The research team analyzed hundreds of monarch wings collected along their migration routes and concluded that the findings are a result of altered air flow around their wings, dependent on the number of white spots. They believe that the pattern and distribution of colors could interact with sunlight to subtly but noticeably create temperature differences on the wing that can alter airflow, affecting the butterflies’ flight. Read more here.

May Ocean Temps Set Record

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the average ocean temperature in May was the highest on record, 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. The planet as a whole had the third warmest May on record, with North and South America reporting record highs for the month. A climatologist at NOAA warns that while it’s hard to attribute this year’s heat to a single cause, record high temperatures in the ocean and on land will become an increasing phenomenon. NOAA also warns that most of the U.S. can expect an unusually hot summer- especially in South Texas and New England this July. Read more here.

Data Visualization of the Week

Changing Groundwater, Changing Earth’s Rotation

A study published last week in Geophysical Research Letters describes how changes in groundwater have changed the angle of rotation of the Earth. Groundwater has been pumped out of major aquifers around the world and much of that groundwater depletion has ended up in the ocean. That redistribution of mass is significant enough to change the rotational pole of the Earth (and to contribute meaningfully to sea-level rise). Read more from AGU’s news room.


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